Concept art

Dystopian London

Time Lapse:

For my first step on this project, I decided to create some concept art on how I want my final production to look like. So to do that, I used Photoshop to compile a photos and textures together to create the dystopian landscape that I have envisioned.

Concept art (Better)

Using a range of different assets such as wrecked cars, rubble and other features. I achieved a concept art that I believe to be appropriate for what I intend to create where there are clear signs of destruction and a desolated atmosphere. Referring to the speed painting mentioned earlier shows the process I made to create this environment where I prioritised to make the street look crowed with rubble and wrecked cars to gain a sense of destruction. Fires were also added to help support the element of destruction and collapsed buildings are also included within the background of the concept art. In terms of foliage, I originally planned to add plants and trees across the landscape however in the speed painting, I realised it didn’t work with the rest of the frame so I decided to keep it simple and used grass, moss and ivy.

First attempt


For my first attempt, I used New York as my location since it contains skyscrapers and opens up plenty of creative opportunities to envision an excessive amount of destruction. In this attempt I tried to replicate a collapsing building in the background which worked well to some extend however the result looked physically unrealistic and could have been executed a lot better in terms of detail and shadings. Overall, I felt like this is a successful concept considering that this is my first attempt.

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